Join The Regeneration
During lockdown, so many of us found that connecting with nature and the countryside nourished us. It was there for us. It refreshed us. It regenerated us.
Now the countryside needs us to do our bit in return.
We’re CPRE, the countryside charity, and we want to help everyone get out, get going and get regenerating the countryside.
Each action you take, big or small, will nurture our natural spaces – and every one of us. Our actions will combine to get us all one step closer to the thriving countryside we all love.
Ready to regenerate?
Start by watching our inspiring film!
In July 2020 the national CPRE manifesto Regenerate our countryside, regenerate ourselves: A manifesto for a resilient countryside after coronavirus was launched. It urges the government to seize this once in a generation opportunity to protect and invest in the countryside, support rural communities and break down the barriers too many face in accessing the health and wellbeing benefits of time in green spaces.
The manifesto outlines a vision for a resilient countryside with thriving rural communities that is open to everyone, whether visiting, living or working there. Key recommendations of the manifesto include:
- Regenerate our green spaces: the government must support local councils and communities to deliver up-to-date local plans, adopt a truly ‘brownfield first’ policy and ensure that our Green Belts, our countryside next door, is enhanced through greater funding;
- Regenerate ourselves: the government must guarantee every child a night in nature as recommended in the Glover landscape review, and increase funding for the many tried-and-tested community outreach projects that have already enabled greater engagement with the countryside for marginalised groups; and
- Regenerate our rural economies: the government must establish a rural economy task force working across government to develop a comprehensive strategy for supporting the rural economy and invest in rural social housing to provide genuinely affordable homes for our key workers.
When we regenerate our countryside, we regenerate ourselves.