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Kids, let’s go on a scavenger hunt!

Becky Collier
By Becky Collier
27th October 2020

Autumn is here, and there are lots of amazing things to see and do in the countryside.

Hands up who has done any of these things yet:


  1. Jumped in puddles
  2. Picked up conkers 
  3. Spotted acorns 
  4. Leaf printing 
  5. Throwing sycamore seeds in the air to see them spin like helicopters


Autumn is a great time to go for a walk in the countryside, and to feel and hear all of the crunchy leaves beneath your feet. If you sniff the air, you might smell bonfires, hot food cooking, or the smell of damp leaves on the ground. If you listen, you might hear birds chirping from the hedgerows, cows moo-ing, or the wind rustling the leaves in the tree. There are also many things to taste at this time of year. Who has picked some blackberries this year? Have you been eating lovely apples and pears? You might even find some chestnuts, if you look really hard. 


We have been thinking about the different senses, did you notice? We have thought about things we can hear, things we can smell, things we can feel, and things we can taste. It feels like something is missing… Aha! We haven’t used our eyes yet! 


One of the most beautiful things about autumn is that there are so many pretty things to see. Whether it is the leaves turning rich shades of gold, orange and red, or the beautiful blue sky with the sun shining through the branches of a tree, there are things you can spot on the ground and in the sky. Have you tried breathing out into the cold air? It will look like you are breathing out steam, like a dragon! 


We have put together a really fun scavenger hunt for you to take your parents on, whilst you have a nice walk in the countryside. Click on the image below to download your scavenger hunt full of fun things to spot in nature. How many things do you think they will be able to find? 

Here are some top tips for looking after the countryside on your walk:


  1. Who can spot the most bins? It is really important to put your litter in the bin, to protect animals. If you can’t find a bin, pop it in your pocket and take it home to put in the bin later. 
  2. We need to look after trees because they help us breathe. It is fun to pick up sticks from the floor to play with, so see how many you can find! If the tree is still holding onto its sticks, then it still needs them, so please leave them on the tree.   
  3. If you are walking along a footpath and you see a gate, make sure everyone can get through it. Afterwards, you need to be in charge of closing the gate so that animals don’t go wandering or get lost!
  4. Be kind to the people you meet. If somebody is walking towards you on a narrow path it is polite to stand to the side and let them past. 
  5. You might spot lots of plants around you, but be careful not to tread on them. Grass doesn’t mind being walked on (although paths prefer your feet!) but plants need taking care of. 


Have fun, stay safe and enjoy the countryside!

Scavenger hunt