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Who we are

Two volunteers in hi-vis vests sorting litter
Bill Waters

We are CPRE Somerset, the countryside charity. We want a thriving, beautiful countryside that is accessible for everyone.

CPRE Somerset, the countryside charity, is your local branch of the CPRE – the Campaign to Protect Rural England.

We’re working for a countryside that’s rich in nature, accessible to everyone and playing a crucial role in responding to the climate emergency. We stand for a countryside that enriches all of our lives, nourishing our wellbeing, and that we in turn nourish, protect and celebrate.

CPRE has worked for almost a century to support and promote the countryside, and we’ll be doing this for generations to come. That’s why we call ourselves ‘the countryside charity’.

Our staff team is made up of a part-time Manager, Becky Collier and a part-time Planner. We are governed by a dedicated board of Trustees.

Chair – Hugh Williams

Treasurer – John Roberts

Trustees – Gerhard Hattingh, Vernon Hughes, Sarah Hutchison, David Julian, Jenny Raggett, Janette Ward

We try to keep costs down by not having an office – our staff and volunteers work from their homes. We have around 500 members around Somerset and we organise events and activities for members to join in.  You can download our most recent AGM draft minutes (AGM held in November 2024) and accounts below:

draft AGM minutes – 28th November 2024

2023 Accounts

There are 2 main ways you can help us with our work:


Check out our volunteering page and see what opportunities might suit you.

Become a member

You can support the work we do by becoming a member for as little as £3 a month (individual membership) or £5 a month (household membership). This donation helps to cover the costs of our important work for our countryside.

As well as doing your bit to protect our countryside, you’ll receive some great perks as a member of CPRE such as monthly subscriptions and discounts on local attractions and clothing.

Find out more about joining CPRE.