Our young litter superstars
Students at schools around Somerset have been cleaning up their local area as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Awards – and we think they are amazing!
We are very proud to team up with Somerset Duke of Edinburgh Awards and SEND schools in Somerset for a new and exciting phase of our #2minute litterpick project.
Over the winter, we handed out litterpicking kits to Aurora Foxes Academy in Minehead and Avalon School in Street. Between them, they now have 32 young people doing regular litterpicks for the volunteering element of their Duke of Edinburgh Awards. It certainly looks like they have had plenty to do!
Becoming citizen scientists
Now we know that litterpicking is rewarding and fun but we wanted to set these students an extra challenge!
So, we asked them not just to collect litter – but also to count the different types of litter they find. We gave them a list of the worst types of litter that ends up in our oceans – from plastic bottles and cans to balloons and plastic bags. The students are counting the things on our list as they find them. They then upload their results to our friends at the Marine Conservation Society for their Source to Sea project. We are so proud of our Somerset citizen scientists! You can read more about this partnership here
Get involved
The best thing about our #2minute litterpick project is that anyone and everyone can join in. If you or your school want to get stuck in, read on.
Find out how you can get involved
If you can’t get directly involved, please could you sponsor one of our #2minute litterpick kits so that we can involve more schools next year?